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Copy an email campaign

You can create a copy of any sent or unsent email campaign.

Gareth Burroughes avatar
Written by Gareth Burroughes
Updated over a month ago

You can either copy an email campaign within the same account, or you can create a copy in any other account within your team. Copying a campaign allows you to edit an existing campaign without having to start all over again from scratch.

Copy a campaign in the same account

When copying a campaign within the same account, you can only copy a single campaign at a time.

  1. Go to Campaigns > Email.

  2. Select either the Sent or Unsent tab, as required.
    You can also copy campaigns which are in the Outbox.

  3. Select the checkbox for the campaign you want to copy.

  4. Expand the MORE ACTIONS drop-down menu.

  5. Select Copy campaign.

  6. Enter a name for the copy.

  7. Expand the Page location drop-down menu and select a folder to store the copy in.

  8. Select COPY.

The copied campaign appears in the selected campaign folder location under the Unsent tab. From here, you can edit it.

Copy campaigns to other accounts

You can copy multiple campaigns at the same time, to one or more other accounts.

Before you start

  • To copy content between accounts:

    • The owner email of the account you’re copying from must have access to the account you’re copying to.

    • You must copy content from within the originating account, so your user profile must have access to the account you want to copy from.
      Learn more in the section User access to accounts.

  • When you copy a campaign to a different account, we copy the campaign structure and design. You can then edit the copies to add in any data field or Liquid personalisation, or other account-specific details.

  • If the from address used in the original campaign doesn’t exist in the account you’re copying to, we use the default from address on the destination account.

  1. Go to Campaigns > Email.

  2. Select either the Sent or Unsent tab.
    You can also copy campaigns which are in the outbox.

  3. Select the checkbox for the campaigns you want to copy.

  4. Expand the MORE ACTIONS drop-down menu and select Copy campaigns to other accounts.

  5. In the Select accounts side panel, select the accounts you want to copy the campaign to, then select APPLY.

The campaigns are copied to the top-level Campaigns folder in the selected accounts.

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