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Email client breakdown report
Email client breakdown report

Use the Email client breakdown report for your campaigns.

Gareth Burroughes avatar
Written by Gareth Burroughes
Updated this week

When you open an email campaign report, you see a headline tile that displays the most popular email client your contacts used to open the campaign.

To view a full breakdown of email client usage for the entire send, hover over this tile and select View more.

Alternatively, expand the MORE REPORTS drop-down menu and select Email client breakdown.

Use the Email client breakdown report

The first chart the report displays is a pie chart of email client usage for the contacts who opened the campaign. This gives you a quick visual overview of the most popular clients for your contacts.

You can drill down on individual email clients to see what versions of the client your contacts are using. To do, select the bar for the email client in the horizontal bar chart underneath the pie chart.

Specific email clients

Here's an overview of how different email clients and devices interact with our reporting system, so you can better understand email opens and client behaviors.

Google Cache

On your report, you might see a percentage for Chrome and for Google Cache, and wonder what the difference is.

  • Google Cache - client uses Google software, for example, the Gmail app on Android or iOS, and in most cases, the Gmail web application, to view the email. Google then intercepts all image requests and routes them through its cache.

  • Chrome - the contact opens the email in the Google Chrome browser and isn't necessarily associated with a Gmail address, for example, when viewing your BT email in Chrome.


Apple’s iOS15 update introduced changes that ensure anonymity for recipients receiving emails on iOS devices. It means that open rates may be inaccurate.

Our reporting system identifies the device type based on the operating system. The Apple category includes Apple devices that don't provide enough information to determine the specific model. If we can identify the Apple device, it will be listed in its own section.

  • Apple - client uses an Apple device to open the campaign.

  • iPhone - client uses an iPhone to open the campaign.

  • Apple Mail - client uses the Apple Mail app to open the campaign.

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