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More reports: Detailed reporting for email campaigns
More reports: Detailed reporting for email campaigns

A list of the available email campaign reports.

Laura Russell avatar
Written by Laura Russell
Updated over a week ago

A full email campaign report consists of an overview page, which gives you a quick way to see your campaign’s key performance metrics, as well as a number of individual reports for a range of different contact behaviours and interactions.

The MORE REPORTS menu on the email campaign report overview page allows you to access this more detailed drilldown reporting.

Detailed email campaign reports

Deleted contacts

Any contacts who have been deleted since a campaign was sent are shown in the report as Deleted contact.

The exception to this is deleted suppressed contacts whose email addresses are retained in order to maintain the suppression. For these contacts, when deleted, only associated contact data is removed, for example, their name or date of birth.

Emails sent

Lists all of the contacts the campaign was sent to.

You can use the checkboxes at the top of the report to exclude contacts who bounced or have unsubscribed.

Unique openers

Lists all of the recipients who are tracked and registered as having opened the campaign.

The report displays all the recipients who opened the campaign and the number of times they opened it, along with other details such as email type, first and last opened dates and times, plus first name and last name. The first column shows the number of times a contact opened the campaign.

Select the More details icon to display the date and time of each open, the IP address of the recipient, and the user agent.

How opens are tracked

An open is tracked by a hidden pixel placed in an HTML email. Once the images are downloaded for an email, an open is registered. If a recipient clicks a link without downloading images, this also tracks the open.

In order to register a plain text open, the recipient must click a link. This is because plain text versions of emails don't contain the hidden pixel that's in an HTML email. A plain text open is recorded in this instance regardless of whether the recipient was only sent a plain text version, or was sent both.

The version of the email type that's tracked as opened is given in the Email type column in reporting.


Lists all of the contacts who received but, as far as we can tell, didn't open your campaign.

Unique clickers

Displays all the email recipients who clicked a link, the number of clicks, and which links they clicked, along with their email type. The first column shows the number of clicks alongside each email address.

How system generated links are dealt with

Any system-generated links are not be included in your unique clickers report as they are not tracked. This is because system-generated links are not redirected through your sending domain, which is the mechanism we use to track clicks.

Affected link types:

  • Click to email link

  • Click to call link

  • Preference centre link

  • Unsubscribe link

  • View in browser link

  • Double opt-in link

  • Resubscribe link

  • Anchor links

Page views

Lists all of the pages viewed on your website as a result of recipients clicking through from the campaign.

This report is only available if you have installed site tracking.

Select a specific URL to display each recipient that viewed that page and how many times they viewed it.

Select the More details icon to see further detail about a particular contact. A side panel opens showing each page they visited and the date and time of the viewing.


Lists all of the replies to the campaign.

Learn more in Replies report.

Social network views

Lists the recipients who've shared your campaign on a social networking site, plus the number of views received.

You can expand the Show all drop-down menu to select the social network you want to view results for.


Records purchasing data resulting from contacts clicking links in the campaign.

This report is only available if ROI tracking and Direct revenue attribution are being used.

If you’re using Advanced revenue attribution, you see the Revenue report (see below).


Displays all converted orders that we consider were placed as a result of a campaign.

This report is only available when using Advanced revenue attribution.

Most engaged

Lists all of the recipients who were most engaged with the campaign, based on the criteria of minimum opens and clicks.

The defaults are set to a minimum number of three opens and one click. To change these parameters, enter a new value in the relevant field, then select SUBMIT.

The screen refreshes with the recipients who meet the new criteria.

Select the icon in the Opens or Clicks columns to see additional data; date and time of each interaction, URL of link clicks, and IP address and User agent of the recipient.

Email client breakdown

Provides a full breakdown of all the email clients, plus the versions of those email clients, that the campaign was delivered to.

Email domain performance

Lists all of the email domains the campaign was sent to, along with key performance statistics per domain.

Map of openers

Displays the geographic locations, in the form of a heatmap, from where recipients opened the campaign.

Learn more in Map of openers report.

Links and clicks

Lists all of the links in your campaign and their click statistics.

Link hotspot

Displays the campaign and overlays it with how many times each link was clicked, as well as providing each link's CTR (click-through rate).

Learn more in Link hotspot report.


Lists all of the recipients who've unsubscribed using the link in this campaign.

This also includes contacts who reached their bounce threshold and those who've used the option to report your email as spam/junk in their email client.

These addresses are automatically removed from your lists so that they can't be emailed in future. This would apply even if these email addresses were included in a future upload to the same or different lists. They'd be automatically excluded from the upload.

ISP complaints

Lists all of the recipients who've registered an ISP complaint against your campaign.

This means they've marked it as spam or junk, resulting in the contact being added to your suppression list.

Soft bounces

Lists all of the contacts who couldn't be delivered to due to a soft bounce.

You can filter the list to exclude either soft bounces or mail blocked types. To do this, select the relevant checkbox at the top of the page.

Hard bounces

Lists all of the contacts who couldn't be delivered to due to a hard bounce.

These email addresses are immediately added to the account suppression list.

Emails skipped

Lists all of the contacts who weren't sent the campaign due to an External dynamic content request returning no content (an HTTP 204 status code) for the contact.

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