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Form: Use sections to create multipage forms

Show or hide questions based on your contacts’ responses; this allows you to create branching forms.

Gareth Burroughes avatar
Written by Gareth Burroughes
Updated over 4 months ago

Forms use section logic that contains pre-conditions, meaning a section decides if it should or shouldn’t appear based on responses provided in earlier sections. This feature has all the benefits of normal branching whilst also being more complex and enabling you to make use of multi-level decisions.

Before you start

Things you need to know:

Add a Sections form block

  1. In EasyEditor, expand the Form blocks menu on the left side menu and then drag a Sections form block onto the canvas.

  2. When you add a Sections form block, the first section is included automatically. To add additional sections, select Add new section. There’s no limit to the number of sections you can add.

Any content outside of the Sections form block appears on every page of your form. So, content such as your header, footer, and action buttons should be placed outside of the block, so you don’t have to add them to every section.

Create section logic

Section logic requirements

  • Your form must contain the Sections form block.

  • You can only use section logic with a block that contains three or more sections.

  • The first and last block sections can’t contain section logic.

To create section logic:

  1. Select the Edit section icon for the section you want to add logic to.

    You can’t add logic for the first or last sections.

  2. In the Edit section panel, set the Section logic toggle to YES.

  3. Select either Show or Hide for the Default visibility field.

    • Selecting Show means the section will display unless the logic conditions are met.

    • Selecting Hide means the section will not display unless the logic conditions are met.

  4. Depending on if you selected Show or Hide in step 3, select either Show section when... or Hide section when....

  5. In the Edit section logic panel, you can choose to name your action using the Action name field.

  6. For the When field, select either All rules are met or Any rules are met from the drop-down menu.

    • All rules are met means that a respondent must meet each of the criteria you set.

    • Any rules are met means a respondent only need meet one of the criteria.

  7. Select [ click to add rule ], and then Select. You will see any qualifying questions from the preceding form section. Select the question you want to base your logic on.

  8. You can set up rules by editing the Clause and Condition fields.

    Expand the Clause drop-down menu to display a list of operators such as Equal to, Contains or Is empty. You can then enter the specific criteria to be met in the Condition field.

    For example, you could create a rule where the response for a question requesting an email address does not contain your company domain, to show or hide the section from internal respondents.

  9. Select APPLY.

  10. Add more rules by selecting [click to add rule], or continue to select APPLY to return to the form builder canvas.

Forms can contain an unlimited number of rules, which allows you to create complex multistage branching surveys.

Section logic in action

Watch the video

Here's a basic real-world example of how you might use section logic:

You own a store and you want to know how customers are feeling about their recent shopping experience. To do this, you choose to send a form that has the question How would you rate your experience at our store? in Section 1. You offer options ranging from Excellent to Poor using the Multiple choice form block:

The Multiple choice block only allows a respondent to select a single answer. To enable the respondent to select multiple answers, you can use a Checkbox list block.

Based on the customer's answer, the logic decides if the next section appears. For example, if the customer gives a positive rating, they can move to the final section of the form without providing any more feedback. However, if the customer selects Fair or Poor, you want to know why they chose this option; by using a Text box form block in Section 2, the form asks Can you explain why you gave the score you did?:

To apply the correct section logic for this scenario:

  1. Select the cog icon for Section 2.

  2. Set the Section logic toggle to Yes and the Default visibility to Hide.

  3. Select Show section when...

  4. Expand the When the drop-down menu and select Any rules are met.

  5. Select [ click to add rule ].

  6. Select the Field box and then select the How would you rate your experience at our store question from Section 1.

  7. Set Clause as Equal to and Condition to Fair.

  8. Select Apply.

  9. Repeat steps 5 to 7, except this time set Condition to Poor.

  10. Select Apply until you return to the form builder canvas.

Section 2 now only appears when any of the rules are met: when the customer answers Fair or Poor to the selected question in Section 1.

Move a section

Each section can be moved and placed in to a different order by dragging the upper-left corner of the block.

Copy or delete a section

You can copy or delete a section when creating your multipage form.

  • To copy a section, select the Copy icon.

    All data is copied when you copy a section. This includes the section name, form inputs, the contents of drop-down menus, layout blocks, and pre-conditions used in survey logic. You can edit this data in the copied section if you want to.

  • To delete a section, select the Delete icon.

Animate a section

By default, moving between pages happens instantly. However, you can also use animation styles to create a more visual experience. This is particularly effective for slide-based forms, which typically have one question per page.

To animate a section:

  1. Select the Edit section icon for the entire Sections form block.

  2. In the Edit section panel, select an animation type from the Animation drop-down menu.

  3. Choose a slide transition style from the Style drop-down menu.

  4. Choose a scrolling style from the Scroll to drop-down menu.

  5. Select Apply.

Edit action buttons

The Action buttons form block behaves based on context, meaning that the block knows what page it is on when it’s used for multipage forms. It shows Previous, Next, and Submit buttons for multipage forms as required by the page position, and for a single page form the block only shows a Submit button.

You must add the Action buttons form block outside of the Sections form block because it needs to appear on every page.

To edit the Action buttons form block, select the Action buttons form block from the canvas. In the Settings area, you can edit the following:

  • Submit button text

  • Back button text

  • Next button text

  • Button position

  • Button layout

  • Button styles

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