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Create a survey or form

Create engaging forms and surveys to collect valuable information from your audience.

Gareth Burroughes avatar
Written by Gareth Burroughes
Updated over 7 months ago

Create a form to gather valuable information from your visitors and boost engagement. Use Pages and forms to design customised forms with our user-friendly drag-and-drop EasyEditor. No HTML knowledge is required.

Easily integrate these forms into your landing pages or website to enhance your marketing strategy and grow your audience.

Some ideas on how to use forms:

  • Newsletter signups

  • Event registrations

  • Customer feedback surveys

  • Contest entries

  • Product pre-orders

  • Appointment bookings

  • Webinar enrolments

  • Demo requests

Before you start

Things you need to know:

  • You can build a survey or form in the Surveys, pages, and forms editor, but for a form to differ from a page, it must include at least one input option from the Form blocks menu and at least one action button.

  • To create a new form, you must have the Edit campaign permission.

Types of EasyEditor form blocks

You can add these form-based elements to your forms in EasyEditor.




Allows text, contact email (maps to a contact record), number, phone number, and email (doesn't map to a contact but allows for format validation). Can be drag re-sized for use as a text area.


Select a single option. Allows for custom or pre-defined lists.

Multiple choice

Select a single option. A radio-button group where all options are visible on the page. Allows for custom or pre-defined lists.

Checkbox list

Select multiple options. All checkboxes are visible on the page. Allows for custom or pre-defined lists.

Opinion scale

Capture graded feedback, for example, On a scale of 1 - 10, how much did you like this?.

Date & time

Input fields for collection date/time information, including a calendar for easy selection. Option: date only, date and time, time only.


Collect marketing permission data. Stored as ConsentInsight data.

Hidden value

Populated from a link's query string and not shown to the user.

Field group

A layout block for grouping related form inputs, for example, "about you" or "your preferences". Field groups are required for best practices for accessibility and assisted technologies. The legend (title) can be hidden, making the field group hidden on screen, but still usable by screen-reading technology.


The sections block allows you to build and manage multi-page forms.


For multi-page forms, the progress block shows the respondent how much of the form remains to be completed.


If you have set up marketing preferences, this block shows them on your form.

Action buttons

Submit, previous, and next buttons. The action buttons block automatically decides on which buttons are needed for the current page.


The confirmation block is added to your page to show a custom message to your users. If you are using sections, add the confirmation block outside the section.

There are three possible confirmation types:

  • Display content
    Add EasyEditor content blocks and text into the confirmation block. This content will be displayed when the respondent completes the survey. For this option to appear in the Edit confirmation panel, you must use the Section block in your form.

  • Go to a page
    Redirect the respondent to another page created in your account.

  • Redirect to a URL
    Redirect the respondent to a specific URL, for example, a page on your website.

1. Create a form

  1. Go to Content > Surveys, pages and forms, and select NEW SURVEY, PAGE OR FORM.

  2. Choose a template.

    For this example, we choose Blank form.

  3. Enter a Page name, and expand the location drop-down menu to choose a location for your form.

  4. Select CONTINUE.

  5. In the Form editor, edit and customise any template elements.

  6. To add form elements, expand the Form blocks section in the left panel and drag any form-related elements onto your form canvas.


  7. To add general items, such as headings and text, expand the Building blocks section in the left panel and drag any elements onto your form canvas.


  8. Select SAVE.

    You're asked to set up your Submit actions. To learn how, see Step 2: Configure Submit actions.

2. Configure Submit actions

After saving your form in Step 1, a side panel appears asking you to set up your Submit actions. Use Submit actions to decide how many times a user can submit a form, and what happens to the respondents who submit a form.

To configure your submit actions:

  1. Under Respondents can complete the form choose either ONCE or MULTIPLE TIMES.

  2. Under Enable surveys insights choose either ENABLE or DISABLE.

  3. To add respondents to a list, under the heading Add respondents > To list, select SELECT and choose the list you want to add respondents to.

  4. To enrol respondents on a program, under the heading Add respondents > Enrol onto program, select SELECT and choose the program you want to enrol respondents onto.

  5. Select APPLY.

3. Publish your form

  1. On the Form editor, select PUBLISH.


  2. Under the heading Address, select Create a link. This creates a URL for your form.

    1. Expand the Publish on drop-down menu, and choose the domain you want to publish your form on.

    2. Under Friendly part, enter the friendly part of your URL. Use something recognisable and easy to remember.

    3. Select APPLY.

  3. Under the heading Launch, select PUBLISH and then SAVE AND PUBLISH to make your form live.

  4. If you want to embed your form; under the heading Generate embed or pop-over code, select either GENERATE EMBED CODE or GENERATE POP-OVER CODE.

    You don't need to do this, you can instead just visit and share the direct link.

  5. To view your form, select VISIT LINK.

More actions

You can rename, copy or move a form you have created using the More actions menu.

To do this:

  1. Go to Content > Surveys, pages, and forms.

  2. Select the checkbox for the form you want.

  3. Expand the MORE ACTIONS drop-down menu and select from:

    1. Move surveys, pages and forms.

      This action allows you to place a form in a new folder.

      In the Move to pop-over, expand the Select location drop-down menu and choose a folder, then select MOVE.

    2. Rename survey, page or form.
      Enter a new name and select CONTINUE.

    3. Copy survey, page or form.
      Enter a name for the duplicated form, and expand the Page location drop-down menu to select a folder to store the page, then select COPY.

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