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Set up Variant handling

So you don’t recommend the same product to your customers multiple times.

Gareth Burroughes avatar
Written by Gareth Burroughes
Updated over 7 months ago

With a configurable product, you might not want to recommend its variants. For example, if your store treats sizes and colours as variants, these might result in poor product recommendations. Instead, it’s more effective to recommend the configurable parent. To do this, our ecommerce connectors use the parent ID of your variants to identify the configurable parent for your recommendations.


To use this functionality, make sure you update to the latest version of our connectors.

Set up variant handling

  1. Go to Content > Products > Catalogs.

  2. Select the Properties icon for the catalog you want to work with; the Edit insight properties panel appears.

  3. Go to the Product recommendations settings area.

  4. Select Select beside the Recommendation rules filed; the Edit store rules panel appears.

  5. Go to the Group products by the selected fields: block.


  6. Select Recommend group ‘url’; the Variant rules panel appears.

  7. Select Recommend parents in the Variant handling area.

  8. Select APPLY.

You can also group products by a specific field, such as SKU, product name, or URL by modifying the field next to Group products by.

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