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Email dashboard

Use and understand the data you see in your Email dashboard.

Laura Russell avatar
Written by Laura Russell
Updated over 9 months ago

The Email dashboard shows you an account-wide visual overview of how your campaigns perform. It aggregates your email-related account data, providing a quick and easy way to access and review it. You can then use this data to understand your account's performance, identify trends, and leverage information.

Before you start

Things you need to know:

  • This is account-wide reporting. For individual campaign reports, see Email reports. For reporting for your transactional email, see Use transactional email.

  • The Email dashboard can only provide data from March 18, 2015, onwards.

  • Data is not real-time; the current day on which you're viewing the Email dashboard isn't aggregated, as all statistics are aggregated up until the previous day.

  • The Email dashboard can't be exported, however, you can export an individual email report as a CSV file.
    Learn more in Export data from campaigns.

View the Email dashboard

To access your email dashboard, go to Analytics > Dashboards.

The email dashboard is displayed by default.

Your individual email campaign reports can be accessed from the email dashboard. To do this, select CAMPAIGN REPORTS in the top right of the screen.

The email dashboard is divided into five sections. The first four sections display graphs relating to key email and contact statistics, plus indications of increases or decreases in the figures against a comparable earlier date range. The final section displays your most popular marketing preferences.

Detailed reports are available for Engagement, Interactions, and Delivery data.



Drilldown report available


Data for email opens and social shares.



Actions taken by recipients after opening your campaigns.

  • Clicks

  • Page views

  • Revenue

  • Replies


Delivery data

Data for successful and unsuccessful campaign delivery, including reasons for undelivered emails.


Contacts data

The growth or reduction of your contact lists.


Marketing preferences popularity

A breakdown of your marketing preferences by popularity as they stand at the current time.

A maximum of 25 preferences can be displayed. Date range or other filters you apply to the email dashboard don't affect this data.


View drilldown reports

The engagement, interaction and delivery sections have a more detailed report available — containing further metric comparisons and additional graph functionality. To view a report, select the section’s header.

Learn more about each metric in the section Email dashboard overview statistics.

Change the date range

The default date range for the email dashboard is the last seven days. This doesn't include data for the current day.

To change the date range:

  1. Select DATE RANGE in the top right.

  2. In the Date options side panel, select the currently selected date range.

  3. Select either:

    1. Pre defined date range
      Expand the Date range drop-down menu and choose from Last 7 days or Last 30 days.

    2. Custom date range
      Use the date picker to select your From and To dates.

For the date range you select, the comparison statistics are for the same time period immediately before your selected date range. For example, the last seven days compared against the seven previous days.

Date restriction for email dashboard filtering

As email dashboard reporting data only goes back to March 18, 2015, you won't be able to select dates prior to this. Attempting to pick a date that's any earlier results in your selection automatically switching to 18th March 2015.

Filter by campaign tag

To filter the email dashboard by campaign tags, select FILTER in the top right. You can filter by single or multiple campaign tags.

Applying a campaign tag filter updates your email dashboard to display data only for campaigns with the chosen tag or tags. This is useful when you want to isolate statistics for types of campaigns, such as newsletters, product updates or campaigns that were part of a particular program.

Drilldown reports

To see a more detailed report, select the statistic tile you want to view detailed information about.

This takes you to the appropriate tab of the drilldown report, and plots the selected statistic on the graph for you.

From here, you can:

  • toggle between graph types using the switch to the top right of the graph.

    Select the toggle to switch between a bar graph and a line graph.

  • select a metric to compare against.
    To do this, expand the Select a metric drop-down menu to the top left of the graph and choose a secondary metric.

  • add a secondary axis on the right hand side of a comparison graphs.
    To do this, select the icon to the right of the graph type switch.

    The icon is only visible when you have selected a secondary metric for the graph to display.

    It's useful to add a secondary vertical axis to your graph in cases when your graph is comparing a high statistic against a much lower statistic. Your two statistics are charted against separately scaled axes for a more meaningful comparison, rather than against one axis that uses the same scale. This provides a better visual representation.

    Graph displaying a single axis vs. graph displaying two axes.
  • view a a table of campaign listings with statistics, which allows you to

    • sort by statistic columns

    • preview campaigns

    • drill down into an individual campaign's report overview

To return to the email dashboard overview, select OVERVIEW in the top right.

Email dashboard overview statistics

The Email dashboard overview shows top-level statistics for each of the following key metrics:




Unique opens

The number of emails tracked as being opened for the first time by a recipient — only recorded once for each email.

Email opens

The total number of opens for all your emails - records all opens by each contact for each email.

Social shares

The total number of views generated by your campaigns when posted on social networking sites.

Our Sharing block can be used to insert this type of link in your campaign.




Unique clicks

The number of unique recipients who've clicked links in your campaigns.

Total clicks

The total number of link clicks in your campaigns. This includes recipients who've clicked a link more than once.

Page views

If you've used our page tracking code, then this shows the total number of page views generated on your website, as recipients click through from your campaigns.


The total revenue generated within the chosen date range.

To learn how revenue attribution works, check out the article Revenue attribution.




Emails sent

The total number of emails sent.

Soft bounced

The number of temporarily undeliverable email addresses.

Hard bounced

The number of permanently undeliverable email addresses. This is because they're incorrect or no longer in use.


The number of email addresses which have unsubscribed from your email communications. This also includes those email addresses which have reached their bounce threshold.

ISP complaints

The number of ISP complaints that have been registered against you by your email recipients




New contacts

The number of new email addresses you've acquired over the date range.

Total contacts

The total number of email addresses in your account.

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