You can make a number of changes to your user profile and preferences through the User menu.
Edit your user profile
To make changes to your user details:
Expand the User menu in the bottom left.
Select Your profile.
Here, you can update your name, mobile number, job title, or location or change your password.
Chat email notifications
To manage what notifications you receive from the Chat tool, select CONFIGURE.
In the Chat notifications side panel, you can toggle the following options between ON and OFF:
When chats are not assigned to an agent - send me an email.
When I receive a new message while offline - send me an email.
When I receive a new message while online - send web notification.
Select SAVE to confirm your changes.
Dark mode
You can choose to view the Dotdigital platform using dark mode if you prefer. You can select from:
Auto means that we apply light or dark mode automatically based on your device settings.
Select SAVE to confirm your changes.