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Restrict and grant user access permissions
Restrict and grant user access permissions

Users in your account can be granted different permissions based on their specific roles within your organisation.

Laura Russell avatar
Written by Laura Russell
Updated over 8 months ago

Before you start

Things you need to know:

  • You must be an account owner, or a user with the Can manage account permission to edit other users’ permissions or account access.

  • To manage user access to accounts, you must be logged into the top level (parent) account.

  • If you have multiple accounts, you can also grant or restrict access to each account individually.

User access to accounts

To restrict or grant access to separate accounts within your account structure:

  1. Expand the User menu and select Settings.

  2. Go to Users and teams > Users.

  3. Select the email address of the user you want to edit.

  4. Under Settings, select the Accounts tab.

  5. Find the accounts you want the user to access and select YES. To restrict access, select NO.
    You can't save a new user without assigning them to at least one account.

  6. Select SAVE.

User permissions

The process to add or remove permissions for a user differs slightly based on the account level you are logged in to.

In a top level (parent) account

  1. Expand the User menu and select Settings.

  2. Go to Users and teams > Users.

  3. Select the email address of the user you want to edit.

  4. Under Settings, select the Default permissions tab.

  5. Use the Yes and No radio buttons to grant or restrict individual permissions for the user. You can hover over the tooltip icon to see a description of each permission.
    You can choose to give all or no permissions at once using the ALLOW ALL or ALLOW NONE buttons.

  6. Select SAVE.

In a secondary level (child) account

  1. Expand the User menu and select Settings.

  2. Go to Managed users.

  3. Select the Edit icon to the right side of the user.

  4. Use the checkboxes under the Permission heading to grant or restrict each permission.
    You can select the All Permissions checkbox to immediately grant all permissions to the user.

  5. Select SAVE.

Understanding user permissions

Below is a list of each permission it is possible to grant to a user, and a description of what this permission allows.




Allows the user to view and access the analytics area.

Can approve campaigns

Allows the user to approve or decline campaigns for sending (requires the Can send without approval permission to also be enabled).

  • Campaigns require approval if the user sending the campaign does not have the Send without approval permission enabled.

Can create contacts

Allows the user to create new contacts (including new SMS contacts in the SMS broadcast tool, which in turn allows use of the Send single message functionality).

Can manage account

Allows the user to edit account settings and view and pay invoices, as well as being able to set up other users on the account.

Can send without approval

Allows the user to send campaigns without needing approval (requires the Sender permission to also be enabled).

Can use broadcast SMS

Allows the user to access, compose, send and report on SMS campaigns and send single SMS messages.

Can use Chat

Allows the user to access the Chat tool as an agent.

Can use Surveys and forms (legacy)

Allows the user access to the surveys and forms tool (note that the Contact exporter and Reporter permissions need to be enabled for a user to view and export Survey reporting).

Contact exporter

Allows the user to export contacts, as well as export campaign reports and Pages and forms responses (requires the Contacts permission to also be enabled).


Allows the user access to the contact section and view email addresses across the platform.

Cross-account analytics

Allows the user access to the Cross-account analytics area (requires the user has access to at least two accounts).


Allows the user to view and access the Ecommerce area.

Edit campaigns

Allows the user to edit campaigns and Pages and forms in EasyEditor.


Allows the user to access the Integration hub.


Allows the user access to the automated programs feature.

Reporting drill down

Allows the user to drill down into reporting (requires the Analytics permission to also be enabled).


Allows the user to send campaigns, and their campaigns go to the outbox to await approval from the account owner or another user with permission to approve campaigns (to send without the need for approval, users also need the Can send without approval permission enabled).

Surveys, pages, and forms

Allows the user access to the Surveys, Pages, and forms tool (note that the Contact exporter and Reporter permissions need to be enabled for a user to view and export Surveys and Forms reporting, and the Edit campaigns permission is required to edit a Survey, page or form in EasyEditor).

Template administrator

Allows the user to administer the template library (requires the Edit campaigns permission to also be enabled).

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