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Data syncing: Sweet Tooth loyalty - Magento 1
Gareth Burroughes avatar
Written by Gareth Burroughes
Updated over 7 months ago

Sweet Tooth is now

Sweet Tooth rebranded to become in May 2017.

If your Magento store integrates with Sweet Tooth, then you can map a customer's Sweet Tooth rewards information to your Dotdigital contact data fields.

To do this:

  1. Go to System > Configuration > DOTMAILER > Data Mapping > Sweet Tooth Rewards.

  2. Expand the drop-down menu next to each of your Sweet Tooth rewards fields, and select the appropriate Dotdigital contact data field that you want to map to.
    To create a new contact data field, select Create Data Field.

    You can also map the referral link each customer is provided with, which allows you to use this to personalise emails in order to remind customers to share with their family and friends.


  3. Select Save Config.

Sweet Tooth rewards data field definitions

The definitions for the Sweet Tooth rewards data fields are as follows:

  • Current Point Balance - The total amount of loyalty points the customer currently has.

  • Points Pending An Event - If you have event-based loyalty points set up, this is the current amount of points a user has pending an event to happen.

  • Points Pending A Date - If you have date-based loyalty points set up, this is the current amount of points a user has pending a date to be reached.

  • Currently On Hold Points - The current amount of loyalty points a customer has on hold.

  • Points Expiry Date - The date that a customer's loyalty points are going to expire.

  • Last Date Points Earned - The last date/time the customer earned loyalty points by buying something.

  • Last Date Points Spent - The last date/time the customer spent loyalty points when placing an order.

  • Referral URL - The customer's referral URL that they can share to earn further loyalty points.

I can't set the Enabled dropdown to Yes

You must have the Sweet Tooth extension installed and enabled on your Magento sites. If it isn't, then you only see No here.

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