In most cases, when you installed our Dotdigital to Shopify integration, we automatically installed the necessary scripts for you to use Chat on your store. However, there are additional steps you need to take to activate and customise your Chat widget.
If you are using an older or manually set-up integration, you might still need to install the correct scripts.
1. Enable Chat in Dotdigital
Before you set up Chat, you should check if it is already set up on your Shopify store.
To do this:
In Dotdigital, go to Connect, then select the Shopify tile.
Select the Chat tab.
Under Set up Chat in Dotdigital, you can see the status of Chat on your store.
If the status reads, Chat is set up and ready to go, move on to the section in this article Enable the Dotdigital App embed in Shopify.
If the status reads, You need to set up Chat in Dotdigital, you must embed the widget on your store and set up your Chat widget and teams.
Learn how in Get started with Chat.
Once you’ve completed this step, move on to Enable the Dotdigital App embed in Shopify.
2. Enable the Dotdigital App embed in Shopify
Before the Chat widget appears on your store, you must enable the Dotdigital App embed in Shopify.
In Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes.
Find the theme that you want to edit, and then select Customize.
On the sidebar, select the App embeds icon.
Find the Dotdigital Chat App embed, then select the toggle to activate it.
Expand the Dotdigital account region drop-down menu and choose the region of your account.
Select Save.
Other useful guides
Here are a few essential articles to help get started with Chat:
Customise the chat widget
A step-by-step guide to learn how to customise your Chat widget.
A few articles explaining how to set up and manage your Chat teams.
A few articles explaining how to use Chat as a Chat agent.
A few articles explaining how to gather and manage contacts in Chat.