With the Dotdigital integration for Retail Express, you can import your order and product data, as well as your subscribed contacts, into your Dotdigital account.
Before you start
Things you need to know:
You must have a Retail Express account.
You must be able to provide access to the Retail Express API.
Install the integration
To ensure that the integration installs correctly, a member of our team must complete this process for you.
To activate the integration, contact your Customer Success Representative.
Retail Express data in Dotdigital
Once the integration setup has been completed, your historical data begins to sync and should be visible in your Dotdigital account after 24 hours. Subsequent data syncs are performed 3 minutes after the previous sync has completed.
Contact data
Your subscribed contacts and customers are synced into two new Dotdigital lists:
List | Description |
Retail Express subscribers | Contains all contacts with |
Retail Express customers | All customers and subscribers. |
To view the contacts in the list:
Go to Audience > Lists.
Search for Retail Express subscribers or Retail Express customers and select the list name.
The following data fields are created in Dotdigital and mapped to Retail Express:
Retail Express Data field label | Dotdigital Data field label | Data type |
Customer Number | CUSTOMER-NUMBER | Text |
Customer ID | CUSTOMER-ID | Text |
First Name | FIRSTNAME | Text |
Surname | LASTNAME | Text |
Company | COMPANY | Text |
Mobile | PHONE-NUMBER | Numeric |
Text | ||
Website | BILLING-WEBSITE | Text |
Date of Birth | DATE-OF-BIRTH | Date |
Receive Email | NEWSLETTER_SUBSCRIBE | boolean |
Receive POST | RECEIVE-POST | boolean |
Receive SMS | RECEIVE-SMS | boolean |
BillAddressline1 | BILLING-ADDRESS | Text |
BillAddressline2 | BILLING-ADDRESS-2 | Text |
BillSuburb | BILLING-SUBURB | Text |
BillState | BILLING-STATE | Text |
BillPostCode | BILLING-POSTCODE | Text |
BillCountry | BILLING-COUNTRY | Text |
Deladdress | DELIVERY-ADDRESS | Text |
Deladdress2 | DELIVERY-ADDRESS-2 | Text |
Delsuburb | DELIVERY-SUBURB | Text |
DelState | DELIVERY-STATE | Text |
If a contact already exists in Dotdigital, they are added to the Retail Express subscribers list, and their data field values are overwritten by the data stored in Retail Express. Contact records are matched by email address.
Subscribes and unsubscribes
The integration manages subscribes and unsubscribes in the following manner:
Retail Express to Dotdigital Sync direction
When a contact in Retail Express has receive_email checked, it updates the newsletter_subscriber data field in Dotdigital to YES.
If a contact in Retail Express unchecks the receive_email option, it updates the newsletter_subscriber data field in Dotdigital to NO.
Dotdigital to Retail Express sync direction:
If a contact unsubscribes from an email and gets suppressed in Dotdigital, this information is synced to Retail Express, causing the receive_email field in Retail Express to become unchecked.
The table below shows a more concise representation of this information:
Sync direction | Source data field | Subscription status in source | Target data field | Updated value |
Retail Express to Dotdigital | receive_email | Check receive_email (Active) | newsletter_subscriber | YES |
Retail Express to Dotdigital | receive_email | Uncheck receive_email (Inactive) | newsletter_subscriber | NO |
Dotdigital to Retail Express | Suppressed contact | Unsubscribe from an email and get suppressed (Inactive/unsubscribed) | receive_email | Unchecked |
Order data
The integration tries to sync all of your orders from Retail Express, as long as the corresponding contact is present in Dotdigital.
If a non-subscribed contact is synced from Retail Express into Dotdigital, their corresponding orders are also be synced through
To view your order insight data collection:
Go to Connect > Contact insight data.
Your order data is stored in an insight data collection called orders.
Select the Properties icon to enable a retention policy for this data or to adjust your tax settings.
To view the orders report, go to Analytics > Reports, then expand the MORE REPORTS drop-down menu and select Commerce, then the Orders tab.
Learn more in Commerce orders.
Product data
We sync your product data into an account Insight collection called catalog_retailexpress.
Your product data is synced following the correct schema for use with our Product recommendations feature.
To view your product data, go to Content > Products.
Learn more in Get started with product recommendations and Product catalogs.
The data fields mappings for products:
Retail Express product attribute field label | Dotdigital product attribute |
merchantVariantId | sku |
available | status |
title | name |
price | price |
| special price |
stockQuantity | stock |
| currency |
| image_path |
brand | brand |
| url |
Ways to use your data
There are many ways to make the most of your Retail Express data once it’s been imported to Dotdigital. Here are just a few ideas:
Enrol your contacts into automated programs and send them on customised user journeys.
Learn more
Gain insights into your sales using our retail dashboard.
Learn more
Sort your customers using RFM analysis, and target your efforts where they are needed most to maximise ROI.
Learn more
Enable AI-powered product recommendations.
Learn more
Set up an abandoned cart program to recover potentially lost sales.
To use Abandoned cart, you must install scripts on your website. Learn how in Setting up abandoned carts and Abandoned cart JSON breakdown.