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Understand email report percentages
Understand email report percentages

Learn how we calculate the percentages you see in your email reports.

Gareth Burroughes avatar
Written by Gareth Burroughes
Updated over 11 months ago

We use calculations, in combination with your email campaign activity, to create the valuable percentage metrics you see in your email reports. In this article, we show you where each value comes from and how we calculate each section of the report.

All equations are written as X / Y x 100 = %. If there’s no data available for the Y value, 0 is used.

Understand the percentages in your email reports

To view your email report percentages, go to Analytics > Reports, and select a campaign.

At a glance

This is how we calculate the At a glance percentages:



Unique openers

Number of unique opens / number of emails delivered x 100

Unique clickers

Number of unique clickers / number of emails delivered x 100


Number of replies / number of emails delivered x 100


Number of unsubscribes / number of emails sent x 100

ISP complaints

Number of ISP complaints / number of emails delivered x 100

Learn more about Email reports.

Delivery report

This is how we calculate the Delivery report percentages:




Number of emails sent - (number soft bounced + number hard bounced + number skipped) / number of emails sent x 100

Soft bounced

Number of soft bounces / number of emails sent x 100

Hard bounces

Number of hard bounces / number of emails sent x 100


Number of email send failures / number of emails sent x 100

Learn more about email deliverability in Understanding bounces and suppressions.


This is how we calculate the Interaction percentage:



Click-to-open rate

Number of unique link clicks / number of opens x 100

Learn more about the Click-to-open rate in Understanding the email report overview.

Top links and clicks

This is how we calculate the Top links and clicks percentages:




Number of clicks on specific link / total number of clicks x 100

Unique clickers

Number of unique clickers for specific link / total unique clicks x 100

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