EasyEditor extensions: App blocks overviewPull content from other platforms and applications into your email campaigns, landing pages, and forms, without having to alter any code.
Add Fresh Relevance Slots to your campaignsInclude Fresh Relevance content in your campaigns with Fresh Relevance App blocks.
Add Trustpilot reviews to campaigns, pages, and formsShowcase the highly rated products available on your store to your contacts and potentially increase your orders.
Add Yotpo reviews to campaigns, pages, and formsShowcase the highly rated products available on your store to your contacts and potentially increase your orders.
Add Reviews.io App blocks to your campaignsDisplay customer reviews and review information in your email campaigns.
Add coupon codes to your campaigns with UniqodoThe Uniqodo App block integration allows you to add Uniqodo content to EasyEditor, so you can place coupon codes directly into campaigns.
Use Nosto email widgets in DotdigitalShowcase additional products to your customers and drive repeat sales with Nosto product recommendation widgets.