Add, edit, and style the Text blockAdd text to your email campaigns and personalise the text's colour, size, and style.
Resize building blocksWhen you drop building blocks into your campaign, they automatically resize based on the available space, but you can manually resize.
Create custom building blocks in EasyEditorRe-use custom blocks you've previously created.
Edit the HTML of a building blockFine-tune and customise your EasyEditor blocks exactly as you want them.
Add abandoned cart details to your campaignInclude products in a campaign that your contacts have previously shown an interest in.
PayPalTake your contacts directly to your PayPal checkout.
Social linksEncourage your contacts to follow, like or connect with you.
Dynamic contentTailor your email campaign so different groups of contacts receive different content, offers, images, copy, or calls to action.
Social sharingAllow your contacts to share your email campaign through their social networks.
RSS feedsRSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a web feed format used to publish frequently updated content, such as news, blogs or products.
The Products blockUse information from your catalog to display your products and any related data.
VideosAdd videos in EasyEditor with the Video block.
SpacersAdd spaces to your email campaign, page or form layout to space any content you feel needs more room
The Columns blockAdd columns to your email campaign, page or form layout to organise your content.
ButtonsAdd buttons to your email campaign or landing page in EasyEditor with the Button block.
The Last browsed blockRemind contacts of products they have previously looked at on your store.
External dynamic contentAdd content to your campaigns through a URL endpoint.