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Dynamic content

Tailor your email campaign so different groups of contacts receive different content, offers, images, copy, or calls to action.

Gareth Burroughes avatar
Written by Gareth Burroughes
Updated over 10 months ago

With Dynamic content you can, for example, send one campaign with multiple targeted messages for different groups of customers. Each message is different; this is based on the rules you set when you create the dynamic content.

Before you start

Things you need to know:

  • You cannot use advanced personalization or the Liquid language in Dynamic content blocks.

Use the Dynamic content block

A dynamic content block contains three elements:

  • Default
    This is the default content that your contacts see if you don't set any rules. Your default content can be blank if you don't want your contacts to see the content by default.

  • Variations
    This is the content that you want contacts to see, if they meet specific criteria set in your rules. This content can be blank or contain any other EasyEditor blocks, including other dynamic content.

  • Rules
    These are the criteria you set to determine if contacts see the default content or a variation. For example, Gender equals male or Age is greater than 65. Rules can be much more complex than this, though.

Create default content

  1. Drag the Dynamic content block onto the canvas; this creates a block with no rules or content.


  2. To add your content, drag other EasyEditor blocks into the the Dynamic content block. You can add text, images, and other kinds of content in just the same way as you would when creating a standard section of your campaign.

  3. Select Save.

Create variation content

  1. Drag the Dynamic content block onto the canvas; this creates a block with no rules or content.

  2. Select Variations > + New variation.


  3. In the This variation will be seen by contacts that match these rules... modal, set the rules of your new variation by selecting select another contact datafield.

  4. In the Options for 'contact data fields' modal, select from one of the default or custom contact data fields to base your rule on.
    Between each rule is the And/Or toggle. And means that all rules created must be true for a contact to see your variation. You can toggle to Or, which means only one of your rules needs to be true for a contact to see your variation.

  5. Set what rule is applied by using the drop-down menu.

  6. Select OK.

  7. Name your variation.

  8. Select Apply.

You can add multiple rules to be very specific about what content to show each contact. You can see what variation is currently displayed by its name in the block's header.


In the Variations drop-down menu, you can:

  • Add another variation.

  • Select the variation you want to view and work on.

  • Edit the rules for the variation by selecting the Edit rules icon.

  • Duplicate the variation by selecting the Duplicate icon.

  • Delete the variation by selecting the Delete icon.

  • Rearrange the order of the variations by dragging them up and down by their side handle; your Default variation is always the last one in the list.

    If a contact meets the criteria for more than one of the variations you have set, then they are shown the variation that appears highest in the list, so you may want to order your variations accordingly.

Types of dynamic content rules

There's different rules for text, data, and numerical contact data fields.

For text-based contact data fields, you can set rules as:

  • Equal to

  • Not equal to

  • Contains

  • Does not contain

  • Starts with

  • Ends with

  • Is empty

  • Is not empty

  • Does not begin with

  • Does not end with

For date-based contact data fields, you can set rules as:

  • On

  • After

  • Before

  • Is empty

  • Is not empty

For number-based contact data fields, you can set rules as:

  • Equal to

  • Not equal to

  • More than

  • Less than

  • At least
    That is greater than or equal to

  • At most
    That is less than or equal to

  • Is empty

  • Is not empty

For Boolean fields, you can set rules based on your contact's reply being:

  • On
    Meaning yes or true

  • Off
    Meaning no or false

Dynamic content blocks and editing the source code

You can't use Utilities > Edit source to view or edit HTML in a dynamic content block. To view or edit the HTML, you need to drag the content outside of the dynamic content block, edit it, then drag it back to where it was.

Preview dynamic content

To preview your campaign, select Preview. You can choose to:

  • Preview your dynamic content as a specific contact by using their contact data fields.

  • Choose which dynamic content blocks to show.

Test send dynamic content

When you test send your dynamic content to yourself, to see the different variations you've set up, you need to find yourself in your Test list and edit your contact data fields to meet your rules. For example, you're providing different variations based on location because you're using the COUNTRY contact data field. If you have a variation for contacts with their COUNTRY set as France, make sure you change your COUNTRY contact data field to France to receive the French variation of the test send.

To edit your contact data fields:

  1. Go to Audience > Lists.

  2. Select the Test list.

  3. Choose your email address.

  4. Select the Data fields tab.

  5. Edit the boxes to match your dynamic content rules.

  6. Select the checkmark to save each of your changes.

Save dynamic content rules

You can save your dynamic content rules to use later, so you don't have to create a new one each time. To do this, drag your dynamic content block onto the Build area.

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