Personalisation for SMS and MMSInclude personalised messages using data fields and Liquid markup.
WinstonAI: SMS and MMS check grammarCheck for grammar errors in your SMS and MMS campaign’s writing with WinstonAI.
WinstonAI: SMS and MMS change lengthMake your SMS or MMS campaign longer or shorter with WinstonAI.
WinstonAI: convert email campaigns to SMSQuickly reuse your email campaign content in your SMS campaigns.
Add UTM tags to SMS links for Google Analytics 4Use Google Analytics 4 to track your SMS campaign engagement.
Set max SMS segmentsNever go over your max segments and protect your SMS send budget.
SMS message length and UnicodeSMS messages are constructed in sections, referred to as segments. Message sends are costed and charged per segment.
Why personalisation might increase SMS costEvery personalization marker might be a different length. This can affect SMS message length, and therefore, cost.
Track an SMS campaignTrack customer engagement with your SMS campaigns.
How to stop including unwanted Unicode characters in an SMSUnder certain circumstances, it's possible to include Unicode characters in your SMS messages unknowingly.
GSM Character SetGSM, or Global System for Mobile Communications, refers to the alphabet used to write SMS messages.
WinstonAI: SMS and MMS add emojisAdd some fun 😎 emojis to your SMS and MMS campaigns with WinstonAI.
WinstonAI: SMS and MMS change toneAdjust the tone of your SMS and MMS campaigns for your target audience with WinstonAI.
WinstonAI: SMS and MMS rephrase textTransform your SMS and MMS campaigns quickly and easily with WinstonAI.
Use SMS click to unsubscribeAllow contacts to unsubscribe from SMS messages through a personalised link.