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Emails sent report

Find, use, and understand the Emails sent report.

Henry Huish avatar
Written by Henry Huish
Updated over a week ago

The Emails sent report shows a list of all the contacts that an email campaign was sent to when it was sent and the type of email campaign it was. You can also add and filter by other contact data fields.

Find the report

  1. Go to Analytics > Reports.

  2. Select a campaign name.

  3. Expand the MORE REPORTS drop-down menu and select Emails sent.

Use the report

You can organise the Emails sent report by specific criteria:

  • Exclude any contacts by three suppression types: Hard bounces, Soft bounces, and Unsubscribes. Select the check box next to the suppression type to apply the filter.

    Learn more about bounce types in Understand email contact suppression reasons.

  • Sort the report and choose which columns show - select Display to open the Table display settings panel.

    Expand the Sort by drop-down menu to select a sort order for the table data.

    For Visible columns, select the checkbox for any data field you want to display in the table.

  • Select FILTER to filter the report by list, segment, split test variation, or dynamic content variation.

    Learn more about filtering a report in Filter contacts in campaign reports.

Understand the report

The Emails sent report is organised by default contact data field columns:

  • Email
    The email address of the contact that the email campaign was sent to. Select the email address to drill down into the contact’s details.
    Learn more about drilling down into a contact in View, edit, and export a contact.

  • Date sent
    The date that the email campaign was sent to the contact.

  • Firstname

    The first name of the contact.

  • Lastname

    The last name of the contact.

  • Email type

    The email type set for the contact - HTML or Plain text.

If you delete a contact, the Email shows as Deleted contact, and the Firstname and Lastname are hidden.

However, if the contact is deleted and suppressed, the Email continues to show.

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