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Page views report

View activity on your site as recipients click through from your campaign.

Henry Huish avatar
Written by Henry Huish
Updated over a week ago

This report shows activity on your website as recipients click through from your campaign, providing the total page views generated.

Before you start

Things you need to know:

  • To use the Page views report, you must use our site tracking feature so that we can track this activity.

Use the Page views report

The Page views overview lists all of the pages on your website which were viewed as the result of a click-through from your campaign, along with how many times each page was viewed and how many of those views were unique visitors.

If you have more than one site that you're tracking, you can filter by site.

To do this, expand the Show all drop-down menu and select the site you want to view results for.

Any subsequently deleted contacts in the report will be denoted as Deleted contact (apart from deleted suppressed contacts whose email addresses need to be retained in order to maintain the suppression).

Select EXPORT to export the page views overview data into a CSV file.

Select a specific URL to display each recipient that viewed that page and how many times they viewed it.

Select the More details icon to see further detail about a particular contact. A side panel opens showing each page they visited and the date and time of the viewing. This allows you to build a comprehensive picture of a particular recipient's interest area.

Select Display for either the Page views overview or Page views drilldown report to change the sort order and visible columns in the table.

You can also filter the results displayed here by using our filter report function. The FILTER option is located at the top right of the report.

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